
Image Credit: Original image from Anthony Delanoix via Unsplash

So, Weed Wine Is Definitely A Thing 

Canna Vine is making this miraculous concoction that consists of organic marijuana and biodynamically farmed grapes. I don’t know what biodynamic farming is but it does sound very special and like it would result in good tasting wine.

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Tater Tot Warriors Edition

This chihuahua protecting her tater tot added a solid 5 years to my life, I'm pretty sure.

Put simply, his platform directly addresses conditions millennials have struggled with all their lives, offering immediate change, rather than gradual proposals.

The Unique Irony Of Shaming Millennial Bernie Supporters

It’s a well-documented fact that a majority of Democrats under 30 support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. From the earliest races in the primary, he led with this demographic by huge margins, and shocked many with his emphatic popularity among millennial women, whom the Clinton campaign was understandably banking on.


Need To Find Weed On A Budget? Use Wikileaf.

Have you ever been in Denver or Portland or Seattle and wanted to buy some weed but didn’t want the hassle of going from weed shop to weed shop to


This Just In: Pot Won't Lower Your IQ

Good news, marijuana smokers! Scientists have recently discovered that everyone’s favorite weed is not actually associated with lower IQ scores!


White House Is Just Chilling, Man, On Marijuana Laws

With the White House’s support of marijuana research, it may be time to start calling it . .  . wait, what were talking about?


Obama To Youth: "Brah, There Are More Important Things Than Marijuana Legalization"

If we caught you mid-bong rip, let us stop you here to share this message


DEA Warns Of Marijuana-Addicted Rabbits

If you ask us, rabbits have always seemed a little  . . . high-strung.
