life after divorce

Taking that leap of faith has shown me that I am not only a survivor but a warrior.

6 Things I Learned About Myself In My First Year Post Divorce

After my divorce, I learned so much about myself and you will too.

Own those mistakes. Make them work for you now.

There Are Many Reasons I'm Proud To Be Divorced

I’m proud to be divorced, and this is why.

After coming through the initial shock and grief, I discovered an intoxicating sense of freedom.

How I Managed to Survive & Thrive After My Husband Left

Remember, nothing — no thought or situation — is permanent. Although it may be near impossible for you believe right now, this life will one day be your new normal.

 It becomes a nasty mess because the people involved choose to let it become nastier than a divorce typically already is.

The Crazy Ex Competition: My Ex Is Crazier Than Your Ex!

What is it about this “crazy ex” phenomenon? Are that many people really plagued by vindictive trouble makers and stalkers who were once their partners and lovers? Is having a crazy ex some sort of status symbol like owning the new iPhone 7? Is it possible to divorce without also having a “crazy ex?"
