
He makes it nearly impossible to not acknowledge American hypocrisy. Image: The Good Men Project.

Contradictions In The United States Of Amnesia: Why A Black Man Can Love Donald Drumpf

The danger of submitting to the false patriotic tranquility of the United States of Amnesia is Donald Drumpf. He reminds us that the United States of Amnesia is one of the most peacefully violent countries in existence, not only politically, but economically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually.

As a queer Latina, this news hit me on multiple fronts. Image: Ana Larazzy/Pexels.

On Embracing LGBTQ Labels In The Face Of Anti-Queer Violence

I’m not straight, but I often feel like a queer outsider. And I know I’m not the only one. Just a few days prior to the shooting, a fellow queer mama who is also married to a man came out on Facebook to let the world know that just because she is with a man doesn’t make her any less queer.

As a queer Latina, this news hit me on multiple fronts. Image: Ana Larazzy/Pexels.

On Embracing LGBTQ Labels In The Face Of Anti-Queer Violence

I’m not straight, but I often feel like a queer outsider. And I know I’m not the only one. Just a few days prior to the shooting, a fellow queer mama who is also married to a man came out on Facebook to let the world know that just because she is with a man doesn’t make her any less queer.

Values should carry over into one's parenting. Image: Pexels.

5 Ways I Practice Intersectional Feminist Parenting

My beliefs about people’s rights, including my own, are a significant factor in how I define myself, how I identify, and how I treat other people. And since I happen to be raising people, my approach to parenting must reflect those beliefs too.

When you’re used to being listened to, you start to think it’s because you’ve done something to deserve it. Image: Thinkstock.

You Aren't Always Entitled To Be Heard, Actually

I barely had a chance to say “What’s taking him so long?” before he stepped up to the counter to ask me what he could help me with. Me. Not my friend who had been standing there for a minimum of twenty minutes waiting for assistance, but ME, the white girl.

The case for marijuana legalization is inclusive of just about every marginalized group.

The Feminist Case For Marijuana Legalization

At the end of March, a 22-year-old interview in which top Nixon aide John Ehrlichman admitted that the War on Drugs was largely initiated to target the “antiwar left” and “black people” was published by Harper magazine.

Does support from women of color exculpate Clinton from charges of being a white feminist?  The short answer: No.

Having Support From Women Of Color Doesn't Make Hillary An Intersectional Feminist

"White feminism” is defined by intersectional feminists as a brand of activism that exclusively uplifts well-to-do white women, while ignoring every other marginalized group. It’s also defined by many Hillary Clinton critics as, well, Hillary Clinton herself.

Over and over and over again white women ask me for things…. But it never seems to occur to them that I might not be interested in doing their work for them.

4 Ways White Feminists Perpetuate Racism

I spent my undergrad years as the president of the feminist organization, so I have a lot of experience spending time with feminists. The people I worked with were passionate, thoughtful, and often downright hilarious. And a lot of these people became my very good friends and people I admired.

Still, as my school was majority white, a lot of these feminists were white. And, sometimes, they were White Feminists.

As a woman of color, this was something that became difficult for me to navigate.
