Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump came under fire Thursday night for
Read...You could take this easy, informative quiz to find out with whom you side on important legislative issues and social policies. Or you could go my route and pick your candidate based on what dinosaur they resemble.
Read...Yes, it may still be 2015, but due to political and societal realities, presidential elections start early — like, stupidly early. Here’s the rundown on what to look for in your future POTUS.
Read...For starters, fathers want culture and media to take us seriously as parents. After all, it is 2015. We should be way past the bumbling Mr. Mom stereotype. Fathers are just as capable of diapering, feeding and raising children as women, and are doing this work more than ever before.
Read...Our weekly round-up of female politicians in the news . . . the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Read...Also this week: Carly Fiorina rips Hillary a new one.