
Fighting for fat rights isn’t just about fighting for access to clothing or the demand to be seen as beautiful. Image: Virgie Tovar.

Take The Cake: Medical Fatphobia Almost Killed My Friend

We forego doctor visits because we know with near-total certitude that we are going to be told to lose weight. That we don’t need care — we just need to “cut back.”

According to the standards of the health and fitness industry, I was doing everything right. Image: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash.

When Your 'Healthy Lifestyle' Becomes A Disorder

[CN: eating disorders, thinspo] It’s easy to disguise disordered eating when it's become standard to mask a binge as a “cheat meal,” orthorexia as a “lifestyle,” and exercise addiction as “beast mode.”

There are plenty of fat people who are “healthy” and plenty of thin people who are incredibly “unhealthy.”

Why Losing Weight Isn't The Answer To All Your Health Woes

You can improve your health without losing weight!

We currently operate under the assumption that eating less, restricting food choices, and constantly micromanaging our intake are all healthy, normal activities.

What Diet Companies Don't Want You To Know: Diets Don't Work

The truth is, your body does not want you to restrict your food, and it does not want you to lose weight, especially when it feels like food is scarce. So, your body will sabotage your efforts almost every time — while also making it harder and harder to lose weight the more 'famines' you put it through.

Insomnia is an odd affliction, ephemeral, absurd. Like a knock-knock joke that slowly kills you.

Wide Awake: 7 Things I've Learned From My Insomnia

I have been robbed of my dreams for more than 15 years by insomnia, an unpredictable bully playing tricks with my mind and body like a dog with its chew toys. I am given weeks or months of normal sleep, only to be blown back to sleeplessness like a sudden wind. An estimated 30-35% of adults will grapple with this particular sleep disorder at one point in their lives — and 10% will deal with insomnia chronically.


I Asked 60 Kinesiology Students To Define Health. Here's What Happened.

Health is the banner we have raised in defense of weight loss surgery, The Biggest Loser, putting children on diets, shaming our friends and family members, fat jokes, weight-based workplace discrimination, and heavily processed low-calorie meals with no nutritional value.

It’s about feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Separating Health and Weight #DitchTheDiet2016

What we really need is a better definition of health. One that is less about weight and more about the broader idea of what health is really about.

It’s about feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Separating Health and Weight #DitchTheDiet2016

What we really need is a better definition of health. One that is less about weight and more about the broader idea of what health is really about.
