
Amy Klein's The Trying Game

Cover Reveal: A First Look At Amy Klein's The Trying Game

Ravishly is thrilled to present the cover reveal for Amy Klein's The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind! Read...
Photo by Justin Follis on Unsplash

How To Talk To Your Partner About Freezing Eggs Before Getting Pregnant

Communicating with your partner about how and when to get pregnant — whether you're currently trying or you're proactively considering options like freezing your eggs or embryos — can be intimidating no matter how solid your relationship is. Read...
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

I Spent More Than $80,000 To Have My Kids, And I’d Do It Again

I always wanted to be a mother. I loved kids and they loved me. The only problem was, my defective reproductive system didn’t get that memo.

The author with her daughter.

I Will Never Be Pregnant, And I'm Finally OK With That

I never was able to get pregnant. And after five surgeries and two failed rounds of IVF, it was a dream I had to let go of at the age of 28.

I went to learn about the options to freeze my eggs so that when I was ready to make a decision about having kids, I wouldn’t have to worry about my age.

What Happened When I Went To Freeze My Eggs​

I went to learn about the options to freeze my eggs so that when I was ready to make a decision about having kids, I wouldn’t have to worry about my age.

Learning about fertility and reproduction — and noticing how my body could play a part in helping someone have a baby — was absolutely mind-blowing. (Image: Thinkstock)

Would You Donate Your Eggs? 4 Reasons I Did

I felt like my body held some kind of magic — magic I always saw in other people, but not in myself. Because despite all the pain I had been through, I was able to use my body for something beautiful.

Men can play a part in infertility, too.

Infertility And Feminism: When Pregnancy Is Political

Here’s something nobody talks about when you’re trying to become pregnant: it becomes an obsession and takes over your life. There’s just something so incredibly frustrating about not being able to do this thing that EVERYONE else can do without a problem.

Just don't do it.

4 Reasons To Stop Asking, "When Are You Going To Have A Baby?"

Just because a couple decides to marry doesn’t automatically mean that they want kids. Many couples in loving relationships simply want to share a life together — without any children. There is no rule to say they should.
