divorce and kids

Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

Here’s How I Helped My Children Thrive After Divorce

After my divorce, the biggest thing I worried about was being able to raise my children after such a traumatic event in their lives. Read...
Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

Do These 3 Things For Your Child During Divorce

During a divorce, your children need you now more than they’ve ever needed you before.

From a young age, I showed signs of OCD, which were exacerbated by my parents separating when I was seven.

Children and Divorce: How Experiences Shape Who We Are

From a young age, I showed signs of OCD, which were exacerbated by my parents separating when I was seven. I was caught in the middle.

When was the last time you thought about your happiness level and personal goals?

5 Ways I'm Learning To Make The Most Of My Kid-Free Time

What if I could find a way to look forward to my kid-free time instead of dreading it?

Visitation exchanges need not be police matters or events that create patterns of family dysfunction in the children we love.

What Should A Custody Exchange Look Like? 10 Ways To More Peace

What should a custody exchange look like and how do co-parents manage to keep them peaceful and productive?

You no longer have that sick anxious feeling you had being married to someone you couldn’t trust.

A Letter To The Person I Was 12 Months Ago  

Some days you will still struggle and you will fall but let me tell you this. Look up, see that — that’s the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s coming. So many times you sat crying, unable to move, unable to imagine the light but here it comes.

Making space for a child to love a former partner who seems bent on destroying you is a Herculean task.

How To Handle A Low Down Dirty, Trash Talking Ex

Parents on the receiving end of a high-conflict, trash talking ex have an incredibly difficult job. Making space for a child to love a former partner who seems bent on destroying you is a Herculean task.

Divorce causes enough chaos, but don’t let it permanently damage your child.

The Absent Parent: A Parent-Shaped Hole In A Child's Heart

What is it like to grow up with an absent parent?
