disordered eating

image credit Virgie Tovar via Instagram

Take The Cake: Is ‘Dieting’ Really Disordered Eating?

It’s taken me a long time to write about this topic because I’m not an eating disorder specialist or clinician.

You may think you are only expressing your own worries about your diet or your body, but you are telling those around you that they should worry about their diet and body.

Shutting Down Diet Talk

Is everyone so deeply entrenched in diet culture that we don’t even hear ourselves anymore?

I have seen “clean eating” designed as everything from a cock-full-o-meat paleo diet, to a vegan diet and plenty of eating plans in between. I’m “good” if I eat some broccoli, but “bad” if I eat it with cheese sauce? (Image Credit: Instagram/goop)

Celebrity Diet Culture: Just Stop Already

With celebrities suggesting that people eliminate entire food groups in the name of “cleansing” and/or “eating clean," Dr. Jessen comments: “I’ve had many, many patients, so many of them teenagers, convinced that their healthy lifestyle and their clean-eating regime was really helping them when actually all it was doing was helping them hide their increasingly disordered eating and to cover up an underlying eating disorder.”

Eating disorder recovery isn’t magic — at least, not at first.

Traps To Avoid On The Road to Eating Disorder Recovery (All Of Which I Have Fallen Into)

Eating disorder recovery isn’t magic — at least, not at first. It’s so normal for your brain to try and justify adopting another rule-ridden lifestyle.

Anxiety and disordered eating will always be there, looming in the back of my mind, ready to appear at any time.

What I Didn't Eat In Paris:Traveling With An Eating Disorder

Instead of falling in love with the culinary paradise, I was stuck in a cycle of disordered eating and dealing with it thousands of miles away from home.


How OCD Has Shaped My Relationship With Food

I struggle to find language that describes the messy tangle of thoughts and memories that weigh down every spoonful. If I had to tell you about my relationship with food in a sentence: I am totally and completely obsessed with it.

Getting back at the world or trying to right it by losing weight is pointless and detrimental.

Can We Please Do Away With "Revenge" Bodies?

Revenge. Body.They’re two dynamically opposite words, one carrying anger and hatred, while the other exudes everything that’s wonderful about us, from births and bruises to our fat rolls and collar bones.

A lot of the diet industry is full of garbage ideas. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Sasha Freemind)

10 Lessons I've Learned In 10 Years Of Eating Disorder Recovery

When I was first diagnosed with anorexia ten years ago, I vaguely knew that eating disorders were a feminist issue.
