
Why Do We Mourn Robin Williams And Endlessly Mock Amanda Bynes?

Is 2015 the year we will finally take an honest look at our country’s dealings with mental illness?


Fragmented Instructions For Half-formed Girls

Let’s say, hypothetically, that there are people on this earth who are currently saner than you.


"I Can't Stand The Sun": My Struggle To Find The Right Bipolar Meds

My cocktail is wrong. It’s a gin and tonic with only gin. It’s a martini with 10 olives. And I can’t stand the sun. Not today. Not this month.

If you need me, I'll be eating this because I'm awesome and I want it. Credit: Thinkstock

Just Say "No" To National Comfort Food Day

This is not a holiday that warrants celebration.

Courtesy of

Disney's New Danse Macabre

Are Disney's new depictions of good-guy deaths finally catching up with the complicated child psyche?


On Being "Crazy": A Day In My Life With Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatric illness is still stigmatized. And that’s hard when you have a psychiatric illness.

Credit: Thinkstock

The Good And Bad Of My Bipolar II Diagnosis And Demeanor

I’m lucky to be smart, to have an astonishingly good memory. Or maybe I’m lucky to be bipolar.

Credit: Thinkstock

Boys And School And Normal Things: Flash Fiction

She doesn’t know how to communicate the feeling that all is for nothing, nothing is normal.
