chronic illness

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My Partner Stood By Me When Chronic Illness Threatened My ED Recovery

Two months after my chronic illness diagnosis, we got engaged. He has always nailed the “in health” portion of our future marriage vows.

Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash

Please Don’t Compliment My Weight Loss

I’m not exactly sure how to take this. Is being thin a consolation prize for being sick?

I learned to hide my lupus diagnosis as if it were a crime. (Photo by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash)

The One Thing Lupus Took From Me That I Don't Miss At All

I learned to hide my lupus diagnosis as if it were a crime. I became skilled in the art of misdirection.

(Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: I'm Almost 30 And I Feel Like I'm "Behind" In Life

I’m soon approaching 30, I feel so behind in life in comparison to friends. I feel like I’m old and the best years of my life were wasted on an illness.

The hardest task of all: whole-heartedly show-up ready to offer our best.

How To Feel Better — A Primer For Living In Tumultuous Times

For many, it's impossible to turn on the news without feeling a strong response to many of the events unfolding in our world. Here's how to feel better.

So many times in life, Daisy grew through the cracks, through what seemed like impossible obstacles.

Daisies Grow Through The Cracks: Losing A Friend To Suicide

I knew before I truly knew. When the icon revealing the new Facebook message from Daisy’s brother flashed on my screen, my heart fell to my feet.

You’re a body of magic. (Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash)

Gratitude Magic

Remember that your body is you, it is not separate. Treat it, yourself, with love. You’re a body of magic.

(Photo courtesy of the author.)

My Chronic Illness Left Me Broke And Homeless, So Meditation Is My Medication

It’s real sticky-wicked to have your body become unpredictable and tortuously painful. So here I am. Homeless. Meditation is my medication.
