body image

Illustration by Walter Crane (1847)

Beauty & The Beast Actually Isn't About Inner Beauty At All

When my husband suggested we see the 2017 remake of Beauty and The Beast, I told him we couldn't watch it because I'd be looking at it through appe

I’ve realized that there is beauty in me, in my face, in the way I smile easily and laugh loudly... (Image: Instagram/ karisselizabeth)

How Selfies Reflect My Mental Health

Selfies are one of the easiest indicators of my mental health.

" By opening night, none of us could wait for our cue to get on stage and DANCE OUR BEAUTIFUL BUTT NAKED BUTTS OFF."

I Got Naked In A Room Full Of People

It was time to embrace my nightmare. So I stripped and for the hell of it hung about bare-assed in a room full of clothed people. Although I’d already left self-consciousness behind me, I wanted to be able to tell this story.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

As My Fifth Child Turns Five

The fifth birthday is a big deal. Five is kindergarten. It is reading and writing and riding your bike without training wheels. Five is the first milestone after the first birthday.

image credit: Lena Dunham IG

Well Whaddya Know, Lena Dunham Lost Weight And People Don't Like It

It looks like Lena Dunham has lost some weight, perhaps even a lot of weight?

"My eating disorder is like a safety blanket."

I'm Scared Of Recovering From My Eating Disorder

It has been part of my life for so long that I have woven it into the fabric of my personality and sense of self.

(Photo by Suma Jane Dark. Front row, L-R: Jessica Rihal, Manon Marchetti Edwards, Hayley Herms, and Megan Kimberling. Rear: Jules Wood, Laurel Dickman, and Astra Varnado.)

Unsculpted: A Photo Series From Photographer Suma Jane Dark 

Today, we interview photographer Suma Jane Dark, known best for their body-positive work shown through a feminist lens.


PCOS And The Pressure To Perform Womanhood — Even If You Aren't A Woman

I stand in the bathroom for six hours.
