I was sexually assaulted abroad and I honestly didn't know what to do. I was stunned, relieved, and confused — so many emotions were running through me.
Read...I have a choice here: either I tell him to stop, or I can avert his hands elsewhere. This is my life as a sex worker. Consent is complicated!
Read...I have a choice here: either I tell him to stop, or I can avert his hands elsewhere. This is my life as a sex worker. Consent is complicated!
Read...Me, Too: confronting my own misogyny. Change can’t come from a social media campaign alone, but from constant personal diligence by us all.
Read...Not all rapists look or act like rapists. Some of the men who abused me are considered “nice people.”
Read...Your body is your very own canvas, and you have the right to turn it into whatever work of art you want to display to the world... The root cause of rape is rapists, not short skirts, push up bras, or tight pants.
Read...It’s painful enough to have to revisit your abuse every time a new viral movement takes hold. What if, instead of “Me, too” we said, “I believe you?
Read...By now, unless you are a true Luddite, you’ve heard about yet another vile thing that Donald Trump did. During this entire election process, he’s proven himself to be a narcissistic, bigoted, racist, misogynist. This isn’t shocking. I feel like my head is going to explode.