anxiety disorders

We experience anxiety very differently, but we can help each other in a way I have never experienced before.

My Partner & I Both Have Anxiety; It's Made Our Relationship Stronger

We experience anxiety very differently, but we can help each other in a way I have never experienced before.

What to do if you don't have much experience in the relationship dept. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Chad Madden)

Ask Erin: Help! I Am 29, And I’ve Never Had A Boyfriend 

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.

People are always surprised when they find out I have really severe social anxiety.

#MondaysWithMatt: What If Nobody Wants Me Around? 

It's Monday — Boo! But, it's also time for another installment of #MondaysWithMatt — Yeah! 

Sometimes I love sex. Other times, though, I feel too trapped in my own head to do anything sexual at all. Image: Thinkstock.

How My Anxiety Disorder Influences My Sex Life

As soon as I hit puberty, I was fascinated by sex.... As I’ve gotten older (and actually had sex), my relationship with the act has shifted. Most of this has been the result of my not only coming to terms with my body and what it does and doesn’t like, but coming to terms with another part of my existence: my anxiety disorder.
