I realized that allergies, much like mental health, are largely misunderstood and often dismissed as trivial or exaggerated.
Read...Virtually no research exists for FPIES. Food Allergy Awareness month remind me that even though he is resilient, he is still vulnerable.
Read...As someone who has battled bulimia, overeating, and a fairly disordered relationship with food, a Total Elimination Diet (or TED) is daunting and triggering.
Read...Party City’s food allergies ad wasn’t an innocent lapse in judgment or poor agency vetting. It was a revelation of their core values.
Read...I didn't have even an ounce of energy to spare to process my own feelings. Everything I had went to my son.
Read...Last year, Ashton Kutcher tweeted about the Teal Pumpkin Project for Halloween. The food allergy community lost its damn mind in the best way.
Read...Prescribe, refer, repeat — that was the drill for several years. It wasn’t until I started to explore the impact of childhood adversity that I saw the big picture, and it began to make sense.