Sex + Love
In some way most marriages are arranged, whether it is through a dating app, friends setting you up, or in my case, Grandma Veena as my matchmaker.
Read...It's over. I know it's over because at least three people have told me that if you have your partner's name tattooed literally anywhere on your body (but especially if it's visible), your relationship is going to fall apart.
Read...Is it cheating if you have sex abroad? Or is a cruise ship like Vegas, a place where all of your sins magically disappear when you leave?
Read...When did my sexuality come with a dress code, I don't have to dress gay!? Sexuality is not validated by what clothes you wear. I know exactly who I am.
Read...Anticipation is part of the reason why sex is so hot at the beginning of relationships, so building it back in helps to get your sex life back on track.
Read...Before we’ve even had time to digest the festive season (and the last of the mulled wine), the overwhelming abundance of red hearts, teddy bears, and all things contrived come out to taunt us. They’re everywhere. From the zillion greeting cards, custom chocolates, gift ideas, sex toys, you name it — all in the name of a dude called Cupid.
Read...Engaging with a genderfluid person on a deeper level than appearance will mean so much more to them and help them feel accepted and seen.
Read...Is your relationship with your vagina complicated by past trauma or unmet expectations? (yep.) It might be time for a course called Viva la Vagina!