Sex + Love

The Horror! Mississippi Sex-Ed Fails its Youth, Teen Pregnancy Still Staggering

After one teacher's attempt to "teach" her students about sex using a melting chocolate bar, parents are up in arms about the state's increasingly shoddy sex education.


The Orgasm Machine Isn't Happening You Guys

Government funding fails us again.


Listful Thinking: 15 Reasons You Shouldn't Judge Another Woman's Engagement Ring

It's sad that we even have to spell this out.


Italian Couple Sues for Bad Sex and Wins!

About two years ago the woman was hit by a car while crossing the street. Since then, she and her husband have noticed that the injuries have had a particularly cataclysmic effect: their sex life has been ruined.


Catholic High Schoolers Protest After Homophobic Nun's Speech

Usually when people say, "children are the future," everyone panics. In this instance, we cheered.


Deconstructing Relationships and Love: What Will Be the Millennial Legacy?

As the children of The Divorced, perhaps we've witnessed too many firsthand crumbled couplings to blithely take on our own.


Is Cum Cuisine the Next Artisanal Trend?

They say, "don't knock it 'til you've tried it," but can we draw a line somewhere?


Mother Jones Reveals Hobby Lobby's Anti-Abortion Hypocrisy

New evidence shows that Hobby Lobby's 401(k) retirement plan has holdings over $73 million in mutual funds with investments in companies that make these very products. Oh, and companies that produce drugs that are used in actual abortions. Naturally, Hobby Lobby made matching contributions too.
