In case you didn't think that Ben Carson could get any worse, or perhaps maybe even still liked the guy, have I got news for you. Now, in addition to denying evolution, interpreting the Constitution to ban Muslims from holding public office, and generally sounding like a fucking idiot, Carson can add victim blaming to his list of faults.
During an interview with Fox & Friends, Carson strongly implied that the victims of the UCC shooter didn't try hard enough to protect themselves. "I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said. "I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'"
In Carson's world, apparently victims of mass shootings have plenty of time to sit back and chill while planning a united attack. They are also completely calm and rational while having a FUCKING GUN pointed at them.
In case Carson forgot, one student, Army veteran Chris Mintz, did try to stop the UCC shooter. He was shot seven times for his efforts and remains in the hospital. If a trained soldier can't always successfully jump a man with a gun, I have no idea how Carson thinks that his little pep talk will stop a mass shooting.
Let's be very clear here: the person responsible for the UCC shooting was the shooter. The victims have no blame, culpability, or responsibility to fight back "enough." What Carson's comments have shown us is that he has an inflated sense of his own worth, and a complete and utter disregard for the value and worth of others. The victims do not owe him a defense and he is not their judge. They are victims of a heinous crime, and it is their murderer who Carson should be attacking.
Of course, condemning the UCC shooter would require a frank conversation about guns, mental health, and other real concerns that it's clear Carson is desperate to avoid. So, like every narcissist ever, he's reverted to blaming the victim.
Thankfully, the only thing uglier than Carson's comments are his poll numbers.