Ben Carson let his bigot flag fly when he declared Sunday that Muslims shouldn't be president –– and that the Constitution prohibits them from assuming that position.
Carson's comments came in response to the shitshow that was Trump's campaign rally last week, where an attendee asked how Trump would handle the "problem" that is Muslims in America, and incorrectly stated that President Obama is Muslim. Frankly, it doesn't matter what religion the president adopts, if any, but it's long since been settled that Obama is, in fact, Christian.
While, thus far, Trump has positioned himself as the candidate of the racists, sexists, and homophobes, Carson's comment made it clear that he isn't far behind him –– and that he lacks a basic understanding of the Constitution as well. Trump back-pedaled Sunday by reminding the world that he has a lot of Muslim friends, like every racist ever, but Carson held firm on his raging bigotry.
Lest anyone be confused, as Hillary Clinton tweeted this morning, the Constitution expressly prohibits religion being used as a test for holding public office. So, contrary to whatever Carson pulled out of his ass, the right of Muslims to be president is not only allowed by the Constitution, but explicitly protected.
Carson may be a retired neurosurgeon, but clearly he could benefit from a refresher in eighth-grade social studies.