
What if it had been my child?

What Does A Bucket List Look Like For A 5-Year-Old?

Two weeks ago, Parker went home with a fever and a droopy eye, stumbling a bit. Two days later, his parents the truth: It was terminal cancer.

Is being a single mom hard? SHUT UP.

5 Things NOT To Say To A Single Mom

2. I have a really cute friend I can set you up with. I am single by choice. No thanks!

The Good, The Bad, The Internet.

How To Talk To Kids About Masturbation, Sex, Porn, And Other Uncomfortable Things (Part 1 Of 3)

Today I’m talking masturbation in particular, because this stuff is the stuff happening before your teenager is getting busy in the back of your SUV (it’s happening, sorry). We are laying groundwork for healthy, happy sexual behavior. In the next two installments, we’ll talk porn and then finish it off with actual partner sex stuff.

As horrible as it may sound, raising sarcastic kids might not be such a bad thing.

I’m Glad I’ve Raised Sarcastic Kids

Recently, I’ve noticed that my children have inherited a sarcasm detector that would make mad scientist Professor Frink from The Simpsons quite impressed. They notice whenever I make a snarky comment, and sometimes will even make their own sarcastic jokes that’d have Ricky Gervais rolling in laughter. Sometimes they target us in their jokes, while other times they say them to each other. And as horrible as it may sound, raising sarcastic kids might not be such a bad thing, either.

Since the rates of depression are twice as high in women as in men, this means there are many, many mothers out there who face this struggle everyday. Image: We Heart It.

Antidepressants Make Me A Better Mom

I'm calmer, more level-headed, and more responsive (not reactive). I'm able to make it through the day without every comment, incident or event causing me to spiral out of control. Oh, and I'm not crying, at least not every minute of everyday, because antidepressants allow me think clearer, feel better, and be better. Antidepressants make me a better mom.

I didn’t know what I was doing, so I clung to what I could. I reduced parenting to good and bad, black and white, and put myself on the side of the angels. Image: Elizabeth Broadbent

I Used To Judge Formula-Feeding Moms, And So Many Others

I didn’t trumpet these views to my mommy groups, of course. I wasn’t crass. But when a girl let her daughter cry it out, I decided the tot seemed a tad withdrawn. When a mom told me all her sons were cut, I nodded politely while thinking, she is so deluded. She made up a medical excuse for a pass on child mutilation. When I saw mothers in the grocery store, carseats in tow, I paraded by, baby in wrap, nose in the air. At least those moms could see another option.

“Can you be a good boy? Mommy will give you a treat!” Do you know who I’m talking to? Me neither.

Why Having A Dog Is Like Having Kids

Several months ago I read a piece from a mother who was so over people comparing raising kids to taking care of their “furbabies.” The annoyance and eye rolls practically leapt off the page.
