
You Are Enough: How Justice Kennedy's Idealization of Marriage Failed Single Parents

No one enters into marriage and becomes whole; there is no magical superpower that's granted alongside the marriage license. Marriage is simply two imperfect people who choose to come together in an imperfect union. That union can be remarkable and powerful, but it can also be dysfunctional and excruciating. Sometimes, it's even abusive.


7 Telltale Signs That You Have Toddlers

"If you are able to get a shower alone, or even at all, it is probably tainted by the screams of your 4-year-old..."


SB 277 And The Vaccine Debate

"The alleged benefit of public schooling is not a foregone conclusion. Case closed. The end."

Jen and her son

Plus-Sized And Pregnant: How I Learned To Love My Body

"... I allowed myself to be loved by a wonderful man. He adored me, but I still couldn't feel the same way about myself."


My Choice To Stay On Antidepressants During Pregnancy

Could I really risk being unmedicated after so many years? Could I face that abyss of depression again while dealing with the influx of hormones and stress brought on by pregnancy? My memories of the darkest days are clear, even 20 years later.


5 Reasons Summer Is Way Better For Moms

My favorite part about summer is the ability, for three short months, to stop looking at the clock or calendar and to start enjoying the present.
