

Why Your Son Being Friends With A Girl Should Be NBD

Few things are cuter than the sight of your little boy holding hands with a little girl in his kindergarten classroom, or watching as your daughter puts her arm around a little boy from her tee-ball team. At that moment, parents often assume that what they’re witnessing is young love, even if their child has never had a crush and is just expressing affection. While it may be tempting to call your child’s friend a girlfriend or boyfriend, or to tease them about having a crush, here are seven important reasons to resist.

“How do you do it?” is a silly question. We’re all bumping along the best we can with what we’re given.

How Does She Do It? Parenting With A Disability

I had to walk my daughter in the torrential downpour to school six blocks away with a positive attitude, although the last thing I felt was positive. We have to walk because I don’t drive.

Pregnant! And sharing the news!

Why I'm Talking About My Pregnancy Publicly In The First Trimester

The first trimester is not normal. The first trimester is hell. The first trimester is vomiting in trash cans, falling asleep sitting up, sore breasts, perpetual nausea, hella strong food aversions, extreme mood swings, and crying because your partner ate your taco; all while not looking or feeling pregnant.

What if it had been my child?

What Does A Bucket List Look Like For A 5-Year-Old?

Two weeks ago, Parker went home with a fever and a droopy eye, stumbling a bit. Two days later, his parents the truth: It was terminal cancer.

Is being a single mom hard? SHUT UP.

5 Things NOT To Say To A Single Mom

2. I have a really cute friend I can set you up with. I am single by choice. No thanks!

The Good, The Bad, The Internet.

How To Talk To Kids About Masturbation, Sex, Porn, And Other Uncomfortable Things (Part 1 Of 3)

Today I’m talking masturbation in particular, because this stuff is the stuff happening before your teenager is getting busy in the back of your SUV (it’s happening, sorry). We are laying groundwork for healthy, happy sexual behavior. In the next two installments, we’ll talk porn and then finish it off with actual partner sex stuff.

As horrible as it may sound, raising sarcastic kids might not be such a bad thing.

I’m Glad I’ve Raised Sarcastic Kids

Recently, I’ve noticed that my children have inherited a sarcasm detector that would make mad scientist Professor Frink from The Simpsons quite impressed. They notice whenever I make a snarky comment, and sometimes will even make their own sarcastic jokes that’d have Ricky Gervais rolling in laughter. Sometimes they target us in their jokes, while other times they say them to each other. And as horrible as it may sound, raising sarcastic kids might not be such a bad thing, either.

Since the rates of depression are twice as high in women as in men, this means there are many, many mothers out there who face this struggle everyday. Image: We Heart It.

Antidepressants Make Me A Better Mom

I'm calmer, more level-headed, and more responsive (not reactive). I'm able to make it through the day without every comment, incident or event causing me to spiral out of control. Oh, and I'm not crying, at least not every minute of everyday, because antidepressants allow me think clearer, feel better, and be better. Antidepressants make me a better mom.
