Kira Jane Buxton
Kira Jane Buxton is a Seattle based writer who was raised in the jungles of Asia and the deserts of the Middle East. Her writing has appeared in McSweeney’s, The Feminist Wire and is forthcoming in Redbook Magazine. She believes in kindness and the restorative powers of sloths in pajamas. More can be found at her website:
Kira Jane Buxton Articles
[CN: diets, not eating (both satirical)] So, you’ve tried every diet out there. You are fed up — and often barely fed at all. The South Beach Diet, The North Pole Diet, The Atkins Diet, The Fatkins Diet, Weight Watchers, Weight Ignorers… The list is as long as your droopy face.
Read...Nobody panic. Put down the Skippy-dipped churro. Take another look the invitation and double-check that it’s for tonight. It is? Are you SURE?
Read...“Don’t talk to strangers. Unless they resemble George Clooney and have a steady job at Microsoft. In that case, give them Mommy’s number, or just walk them straight home with you.”