Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch


Kelly Burch is a writer and editor based in New Hampshire. She is the editor of Renew Magazine, a lifestyle publication for people who are in recovery from addiction. She writes frequently about mental illness and addiction issues, and anything else that catches her attention. You can connect with Kelly and read more of her work on her blog or on Facebook.   

Kelly Burch Articles

The Many Issues With The CDC’s Recommendations Around Women And Alcohol

Last week, I did something reckless. I went out for Mexican food, and drank a margarita. The server didn’t ask for my ID, and she didn’t even ask for proof that my ovaries were on lock down.

It's all about the confidence, baby.

Why I Reject Imposter Syndrome

I certainly still have moments of self-doubt, but I make a conscious effort to change my internal monologue at those times. Instead of saying, "If only you were good enough to write a book," I tell myself "You're doing great accomplishing small steps to get there." Instead of berating myself for always splitting my attention between my daughter and my work, I congratulate myself for juggling writing and motherhood.

No relationship is perfect, not even with super mom. (Image: Thinkstock)

7 Unexpected Benefits To My Mom Moving Abroad

My mom and I are extremely close. Some would say we’re a little too close, but since she fills two roles in my life — mother and best friend — I think it’s fair that she get a double slice of my love and attention. I was completely devastated when she announced that she was moving to Dubai. But now, my mother has lived abroad for more than two years, and I can see that her move was a good thing.

Love that travels.

Forget The Fairy Tale: The Truth About Falling In Love With A Foreigner

Our culture is so preoccupied with The Other, and the obsession with falling in love with a foreigner is just another manifestation of that. But I quickly found out that falling in love with someone from another country is not all fun and glory.

Loving the house you grew up in, regardless of whether it "belongs' to the family.

How I Learned To Embrace Renting

As my own home ownership dreams were delayed, I was able to look back on my parents’ decision to rent with a lot more understanding. My parents sometimes struggled to keep the electricity on, but they always made sure that the rent was paid, and that my siblings and me had a wonderful home, no matter whose name was on the deed.

There are ways to help a family in mental health crisis.

6 Ways To Help A Family In Mental Health Crisis

No having a community rally in support, like it is supposed to during a crisis, can make a family in mental health crisis feel shamed and stigmatized.

Where else other than family events could you toss a bunch of acquaintances together and expect them to have a good time? Image: Thinkstock.

10 Tips For Surviving Family Events This Summer

Don’t talk politics. Do. Not. This old adage is more important than ever this year, with an election that started off bad and has gotten consistently worse.

Mental illness was a fact in my family, but not something that affected my daily life. Image: Thinkstock.

Growing Up With Mental Illness, But Without The Stigma

By introducing my father’s illness as a fact during a time when his mental health had no negative effects on my life, my parents enabled me to live without stigma, which in turn empowered me to advocate for my father’s treatment when his health took a turn for the worse my freshmen year of college.

Toddlers will challenge the high ideals of even the most committed of parents.

Parenting Ideals, Meet Toddler

Parenting my daughter through toddlerhood is sometimes amazingly rewarding. Her personality is emerging and I see the conversation and friendship that will hopefully fill our lives when she says things like, “I’m really proud of you, Mommy,” or “You’re my best friend.” Other times, when she blatantly refuses to obey, I seethe.
