Feeling lonely at work? Today only, in 50 cities across the country, Uber will deliver kittens to your office in honor of #NationalCatDay. Yes, kittens.
Want to order yourself up a kitten to go with your takeout? Just download the Uber app, select the KITTENS option (I swear I'm not making this up) between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and wait for your furry friend to arrive. You'll get 15 minutes of cuddle time for the bargain price of $30, and in most cases your new BFF will also be available for adoption through local animal shelters.
Uber reminds cat ladies to have an enclosed space available and to check with their co-workers for allergies before using the service. While microwaving fish is one sure way to piss off your co-workers, bringing a furry little ball of allergies to work would definitely cement your unpopular status if you happen to have a co-worker who is allergic to cats.
No word on how all of these kittens feel about being carted around offices all day, but I'm guessing that they think it's purrfect. Or claw-some. Or maybe even meow-nificent. Either way, playing with kittens this afternoon will definitely sharpen your pro-cat-stination skills.