Catherine Gigante-Brown
Catherine Gigante-Brown
Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles
I thought cancer was behind me. Until I had a weird pain near my left ovary which lasted for several days. It felt a lot like ovulation...Only, at 56, that train had left the station a long time ago.
Read..."I was afraid this thing was going to do me in. But I took a deep breath and decided very early on that I would face cancer on my own terms."
Read...All bets were off after 9/11. In a twisted way, it proved to me that worry was fruitless. No one ever saw the terrorist attacks coming.
Read...After I got over the initial devastation, I pulled myself up by my big-girl panties and got on with it. Chemo was no picnic—but it was do-able.
Read...My husband and I agreed: raising a child with an independent spirit who made decisions for himself was a good thing.
Read...You realize pretty soon that everything other than cancer — i.e. missing a train, being late to your dentist appointment — is no biggie compared to the suck factor of chemo.
Read...It sounded too good to be true: comfortable, attractive bra inserts for breast cancer survivors like me. I got on the computer, checked out their website, and immediately put in for one.
Read...Being a little bit chubby is better than being a lot dead.
Read...Alexa is like a nosy neighbor: She’s always listening. That’s how she can respond when you ask her to do something. So, when you’re getting busy on the kitchen counter — Alexa’s listening. When you’re telling Capital One the last four digits of your SSN — Alexa’s listening. And who knows who else is.
Read...I realized my father was from a generation that never said those three little words. He was saying he loved me without them. But I didn't realize it then.