Be everyone's favorite Super Bowl Party guest with this warm, creamy chile dip.
Apparently, there's a thing happening in Houston this weekend. A sportsball game of some sort and people are super excited about it. They spend weeks planning food and anticipating the commercials the way some people anticipate the new season of The Walking Dead.
I don't get the Super Bowl, but I get excitement — especially when it comes to big gatherings and yummy treats. I have hosted a few parties and attended countless. (Full disclosure: I love grocery shopping during the game because the stores are deserted and it takes no time to get in and out. Sue me.)
When I do show up at a party, though, I'm certain to always bring treats. Treats are important. They pave the way between opposing teams, they create goodwill where some might not exist before, and they give that one guy who is always a little bit too into the game a chance to CTFD for a minute. You know That One Guy. Maybe you are him. Or her. Gender doesn't matter here. You know them. And side note: If you are them, we love you and please don't ever change. Just maybe have a snack or something.
This year, I'm going with something savory. I'm still sugared out from the holidays. I still love something comforting and hot. A cheesy, spicy dip seems like a no-brainer.
8 oz of fire roasted green chiles (canned is fine)
1/2 cup grated onion, sautéed until slightly charred
1/4 cup pickled jalapeños, chopped (adjust amount for heat preference)
16 oz sour cream
8 oz cream cheese, softened to room temp
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese of your choice (sharp white cheddar is my fave)
1 Tbsp granulated garlic
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp black pepper
1 pinch sea salt
1 package of Brazi Bites or other pre-made dough balls (optional)
Get your cast iron skillet and give it a good rubdown with oil. Put it in the oven at 200 degrees while you make your dip. If you don't have a cast iron skillet, I feel badly for you, but it's okay. I still love you and hardly judge you. You can use a deep non-stick skillet instead, as long as it's approved for oven use up to 400 degrees.
Mix cream cheese and sour cream until well combined. Worry about getting it perfect or don't. No worries either way.
Next, add your chilies, jalapeños and onions, and stir. Then add your spices and stir a little more. Throw your cheese in and, you guessed it, stir even more.
Get a pot holder and grab your pre-heated cast iron skillet from the oven. Evenly spread your dip mixture in the pan. This is the time where you will want to artfully arrange your frozen dough balls around the perimeter of the pan. (I said artfully, damnit!)
Pop into the oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, covering with a loose layer of foil. Seriously, just rip off a piece and put it over the top.
Remove foil and cook for another 15-20 minutes, or until your dough is nicely browned and your dip is bubbling.
Serve right away with more mini rolls or tortilla chips.
May the best team win and may your grocery shopping be blessed. Amen.