GOP, If You Want The Millennial Vote, this Is Not The Way to Get it

Millennials are liberal and lazy.

Millennials are idle citizens and flaky dreamers.

Millennials are mostly unemployed.

Millennials are awkward Lena Dunham-esque adult ducklings.

Millennials pull at a fraying thread from oversized thrift store sweaters while drinking overpriced coffee. They search craigslist via their smartphones for jobs, or things like “craft supplies” or “free ukulele lessons.”

Millennials are . . .

OK, OK, we get it—there is a clear stereotype surrounding millenials. But, of course, not all millennials fit into this box. And a lot of the stereotypes are far from fact. For example, millennials, often painted as free-spirited wandering souls, are not always as liberal as Baby Boomers think they are. And hello, lots of millennials have jobs, with like, real paychecks and everything.

Apparently some are even straight up Republican Party members. Who call out their lazy friends for being in neutral and going nowhere. Political affiliation aside—Democrats have used millennials to foster support too, ie. "Brosurance"—the preconceptions about the “Me Me Me Generation” may or may not stand up when it comes to the grander voting population of 20-somethings.

Either way, this GOP ad is definitely not the way to pull in millennial votes, unless they’re looking for ironic "support."


Regardless, this ad has spurred a parody—as so many viral vids these days doand pokes just the right amount of fun:


Image credit: YouTube


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