Quick, list some foods that signal "healthy" to you. Did Kraft American Cheese Singles come to mind?
Well, then, you differ from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), which has bestowed the "pasteurized prepared cheese product" containing less than 51% real cheese with its first "Kids Eat Right" label.
In a released statement, AND has defended its position:
"Contrary to recent published reports, this collaboration does not constitute any endorsement or nutritional seal of approval by the Academy, its Foundation or Kids Eat Right. The Academy Foundation does not endorse any products, brands or services. The Kids Eat Right logo on KRAFT Singles packaging identifies the brand as a proud supporter of Kids Eat Right. It also serves to drive broader visibility to [AND's website], a trusted educational resource for consumers."
It's common knowledge that overly processed foods (Singles have 17 listed ingredients) are unhealthy. So why would a health organization endorse this? What's going on here?
Well, AND has been strengthening ties with big-name corporations like Kraft (along with The Coca-Cola Company, Mars, and Pepsico) for years now. And these corporations are donating large sums of money to AND.
Hmmm. What could it be . . . ?