Yeah, when I first heard about it, I thought KFC had gone off the deep end . . . then I remembered what high school is like.
Read...Everybody dance now! This week, we bring you a special helping of groove-ready videos.
Read...For striking back against a sexist remark, Bloomberg TV's Stephanie Ruhle is our latest hero du jour.
Read...Comedian Akilah Hughes sums up five hot trends for moving in heels . . . granted one of them consists of actually just sitting and taking the contraptions off.
Read...How cool were you, chilling with your Walkman on the bus back in the day? So. Damn. Awesome. Alas, technology improves too quickly for us to share our finer moments of fleeting youth...with today's youth.
Read...Saudia Arabia showcases its lighter side with a strangely heartwarming boogie.