
KFC’s Fried Chicken Corsage: Hitting the Sweet Spot of High School Irony

Yeah, when I first heard about it, I thought KFC had gone off the deep end . . . then I remembered what high school is like.


The Best Stupid, Funny, Happy-Making Viral Videos to Kill Time Before the Weekend

Everybody dance now! This week, we bring you a special helping of groove-ready videos.


Awesome News Anchor Calls Time Out on Sexism

For striking back against a sexist remark, Bloomberg TV's Stephanie Ruhle is our latest hero du jour.


Have Trouble Walking in Heels? Rebrand Your Awkward Strides as Chic Trends!

Comedian Akilah Hughes sums up five hot trends for moving in heels . . . granted one of them consists of actually just sitting and taking the contraptions off.


Feel Boob-Sagging Old Right Now: Watch These Kids React to Antiquated Walkmans

How cool were you, chilling with your Walkman on the bus back in the day? So. Damn. Awesome. Alas, technology improves too quickly for us to share our finer moments of fleeting youth...with today's youth.


Saudi Arabia Says, "We Can't Stop Doing the Penguin Dance!"

Saudia Arabia showcases its lighter side with a strangely heartwarming boogie.


Watch: Men in Heels Dominate the Very Best of the Spice Girls

So, here's the story from A to Z—two dudes don platforms and rock the streets of France. Better listen carefully!


Diet Slam of the Week: The Extreme Fruit Binge That's Totally Bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S)!

Freelee the Banana Girl has launched a "30 Bananas a Day" fitness plan with 20,000 followers. And from a health perspective, it's totally fruity.
