
Why Stripping Isn't Empowering For Anyone

Stripping encourages men to view women as commodities—and to value them for their ability to please.


Why Stripping Isn't Empowering For Anyone

Stripping encourages men to view women as commodities—and to value them for their ability to please.


I Represent Sex Workers Because Sex Work Is Work And Sex Workers Are People

The myth of the common "Sex Worker Experience" is silly and inauthentic.


I Represent Sex Workers Because Sex Work Is Work And Sex Workers Are People

The myth of the common "Sex Worker Experience" is silly and inauthentic.


Flying First Class with Ebola: How the U.S. is Avoiding an Infectious Outbreak of Biblical Proportions

How is the U.S. transporting American Ebola victims back to the U.S. without spreading the infection?


The Ugly Side of Soccer: 900 Workers Dead in Preparation for Qatar World Cup—When Will the Madness Stop?

Migrant construction workers for the 2022 World Cup are dying in droves—and construction completion is still years away. If estimates are correct, thousands more workers could perish.
