
Witches crave organic spaces, otherwise we rebel in unforeseeable ways, otherwise we break their machines.

Witch: A Lyrical Essay Of Historical Proportions

It’s clear to see that the witch hunt has never truly died. This is no re-awakening, but proof that the witch hunt has been lying dormant.


Witchcraft 101: A Wonderfully Witchy #RavChat Round-Up

We took to Twitter with a “Witchcraft 101” chat to introduce our readers to some awesome real-life witches and talk about ways to make everyday life a little more magical.


Russian Witch Baba Yaga's Guide To Feminism

Today we asked Baba Yaga—celebrated and infamous Russian witch—to share some of her wisdom and enduring tips on feminism.


Throwback Thursday: The Salem Witch Trial’s First Victim Wore Red And Drank Alcohol

The first woman killed in the infamous witch-hunt was seemingly condemned for her refusal to adhere to Puritanical social norms.
