white privilege

Photo by José Ignacio García Zajaczkowski on Unsplash

Why White People Must Talk About Their Whiteness — Even When It's Hard​

What I can do is try to reach other white women who have yet to consider how their whiteness has led to significant inequities in our society.

Being cognitively aware on a surface level that your friends and coworkers experience rampant prejudice is different from having it directed at you.

What A 90-Year-Old Dementia Patient Taught Me About Privilege

Being cognitively aware on a surface level that your friends and coworkers experience rampant prejudice is different from having it directed at you.

My Favorite Murder tipi shirt.

How To Love Something And Also Hold It Accountable, From My Favorite Murder's Biggest Fan

Those of us with platforms that reach people, like My Favorite Murder, do have a responsibility to use those platforms wisely and with caution.

You can tell I love you if I ever touch your feet.

Can You Please Take Your Feet Off That?

Can we all agree that whether in public or private spaces, don’t put your feet in other people’s spaces and keep your shoes off the furniture?

To be white is to inherit the white supremacist legacy and its delusions, no matter how liberal or progressive our upbringing.

The Great White Delusion: Why So Many White People 'Don't See Race'

White people, it would seem, are seriously out-of-touch with the racial reality in America. But why?

The author and her niece — so much cute!

Understanding My Privilege As A Mixed Race Woman With White Family

I have my own army who fights against injustice. I have a mother who handed out fliers boycotting grapes during Cesar Chavez’s unionizing efforts. I have an aunt and uncle who told me never to question the importance of affirmative action.

If they make a racist joke, ask them to explain why it’s funny. Say, “I don’t get it, can you explain that joke to me?”

Let's Make Thanksgiving Awkward 

These conversations are uncomfortable as hell. They can be downright depressing and demoralizing. They may lose you friends and family members. But, sometimes they lead to change, even if it’s small. And being uncomfortable is a small price to pay to help combat bigotry.

Opinions are not valueless, empty objects, totally abstract and disconnected from meaningful implications. They have consequences.

Your Opinion Isn't Just Incorrect; It's Wrong

Your opinion is not only incorrect, it’s probably also capital-W “Wrong” as in, Right vs. Wrong. We have a cultural problem with opinions. It’s not that everyone has one; it’s that everyone believes theirs is as valid as the next, simply because they have one.
