Jessica Schreindl
Jessica Schreindl is a campaign director and freelance writer in Seattle, Washington. She is a contributing writer for and has been published on She graduated with her M.A. from Syracuse University where she studied film history and documentary filmmaking
Jessica Schreindl Articles
If bossy is for little girls beginning to experience their power, bitter is for women who have realized theirs.
Read...White people, it would seem, are seriously out-of-touch with the racial reality in America. But why?
Read..." As women, we are taught at an early age to ignore our intuition, and trust in the wisdom of others instead."
Read...Menstruation and Misogyny: I will continue to march to the bathroom, tampon in plain view, as if a conductor leading with her baton. Our periods matter!
Read...The reality is that in our society, the idea that a boy or man can be raped by a woman is often seen as ludicrous.