
Getting waxed by a trainee. Buckle up. (Image credit: Thinkstock)

Well, That Was Awkward: A Story Of A Bikini Waxer In Training

I am brave. Or maybe just blissfully unaware of danger. At night, I walk alone down alleys. In inclement weather, I drive at regular speed.

yeah, pretty much this position

7 Things You'd Better Know About A DIY Brazilian Wax

If you're brave enough to take the DIY Brazilian plunge, these tips are a must-read. As in, tip #6: It hurts, but not more than having a baby. Good to know.

Kegels?? Credit: Comedy Central's YouTube channel

Watch: "Sex Prep," In Which Amy Schumer Is Sad, Awesome—And Totally Right

Spontaneous sex? Ha! Getting ready to get it in is an all-day affair.

Image: Wolfgirl won't come out until the next full moon. Courtesy of Thinkstock

Go Ahead And Shave Your Snatch—The Hair Won't Grow Back Any Thicker

Science tells us that shaving is A-OK. Nice.
