vending machines

College students will soon have vending machine access to contraception. Welcome to the world of 2017.

#RavsRadar: Contraception From A Vending Machine On College Campus. THIS IS HAPPENING.

This isn’t your old-school, gas-station-bathroom condom dispenser, either. It's called a Wellness To Go station that sells condoms, Plan B Emergency Contraception, pregnancy tests, tampons and pads, and even over-the-counter painkillers like Advil and Tylenol.

"Nudging" people to make healthier choices is a nice way of saying food shaming & manipulation.

#RavsRadar: Researcher 'Brilliantly' Proves Manipulating People's Food Choices 'Works'

The latest news in the worlds of food shaming and behavior modification comes to us from Chicago, where a
