take the cake
I’ve dated people of all sizes, income levels, and personality types. I only get questions when I’m dating someone whose status is seen as “above” my own.
Read...The wound of codependency leaves a haunting question in its wake: Do I actually matter? Diet culture’s answer to fat people is: no.
Read...I kind of hate when people call things “small but mighty,” but dang it if that isn’t the most apt description of Virgie Tovar’s new book
Read...I came to realize that even though I was certainly a bona fide member, that some fat people were far more acutely marginalized than me.
Read...Humane, proper medical care should be something all people — regardless of status — have access to. Here are tips for medical self-advocacy for fat people.
Read...I think there’s a special kind of burden placed on stigmatized people to pretend that everything is A-Okay. Would I be smiling if I was oppressed? Heck no.