
"I scream when I come, and I can buy fancy earplugs for the whole neighborhood!" Courtesy of ThinkStock

Sex Survey Says, "Rich Men Give Better Orgasms"

Actually, my orgasm doesn't depend on your bank account. This "science" is an insult to women and clitorises everywhere.

Doesn't she look, uh, maybe happy? Credit: Thinkstock

Study Suggests Sad Songs Help Soothe Emotional Pain

Going through a breakup? Blast some Adele!


In Ending Her Own Life, Brittany Maynard Raises Fraught Questions About Assisted Suicide

Should terminally ill patients have the right to end their own life?

Nooooo! (Credit: ThinkStock)

A Vegetarian's Worst Nightmare: Vegetables Know When They're Being Eaten!

According to actually legitimate research, you shouldn't eat that salad . . . murderer.

SHUT UP! It's for class! (Credit: ThinkStock)

UPenn Offers "Wasting Time On The Internet" Class

Before decrying the state of education, hear us out: This course makes a lot of sense.


Please Stop Talking About Your Amazing Life Experiences, Says Study

New research reveals the social costs of "extraordinary experiences" . . . and why I rarely discuss my backpacking trip to Asia.

Honey, putting your boobs on Instgram will ruin your shot at being a state representative. Credit: Thinkstock

What Does Teen Sexting Mean For The Standards Of Future Politicians?

If "everyone" is doing it, will the future be more forgiving of public expressions of sexuality?

Drinking a ton makes it harder for sperm to hit their target . . . Credit: Wikipedia Commons

New Study Finds Binge Drinking Lowers Sperm Count

Hypothetically, this gives a somewhat free-ish pass to the contraceptively lazy who like to drink. Don't let it though, obviously.
