
Hell Hath No Fury: The 5 Craziest Cheating Revenge Stories

Was it worth it? Decide for yourself.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

As A Mother, Feminist And Abuse Survivor, Here's What I Think Of The Lena Dunham Sex Abuse Allegations

When I heard about accusations that Lena sexually abused her sister, I was astonished. And my visceral emotional reaction prompted powerful questions.


Hear This: Swedish Sister Duo 'First Aid Kit' Sing 'My Silver Lining'

These are the most haunting harmonies and sweetest sounds we've heard since Simon and Garfunkel.


Weird+Wonderful+WTF: World's Shortest Cat! Kris Jenner (Maybe) in Playboy! Self Disses a Cancer Survivor!

We scout out the day's weirdest news so you don't have to.


Life as the Last Single Sister

Some people meet their true loves when they’re 12 and they’re together forever.
