Sexual Assault
This is a hard time to be alive which means it's a hard time to be a parent. So, how do we raise boys that treat women with respect?
Read...I’d argue that this is the worst time for strategic silence.
Read...Thirty years or three hours — time has no meaning when the power to decide has been taken from you. I believe you Dr. Blasey Ford and I believe all of us.
Read...This is not fluffy, this is a fortress for your mental health. Here's how to protect your healing heart when the news is full of sexual assault stories.
Read...Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh now has two accusers. Lawyers and judges are just as capable of being aggressors of sexual violence.
Read...This is something that has haunted me for many years. Just thinking about it now makes me feel sick. What I raped or a drunk slut?
Read...I don't know if I should continue the friendship and accept my friend's apology for sexually assaulting me. I am still getting flashbacks and depression.
Read...It makes zero sense to me why we continually belittle women in a conversation that they have been trying to have with us for decades.