sex advice
I have slept with seven men: five bona fide boyfriends, one guy I was seeing for a time, and one one-night stand. According to Slate’s sex history calculator, which is based on data in the General Social Survey from 2006-2014, I have slept with more people than 53% of my female peers, which I think gives me an edge comparing the sexual performances of men.
Read...Truth to tell, it would be extremely rare, if not impossible, to find two people with perfectly matched libidos.
Read...Married sex doesn’t have to be restricted to Saturday nights.
Read...Forget everything you ever learned about sex. Whether perched stiffly in the classroom as your teacher prattled on about the finer points of copulation, listening incredulously to the stories your friends told in adolescence, or gleaning inferences from novels, television shows, or movies. There’s only one secret to fireworks in the bedroom.
Read...Reddit, the voice of the internet, recently asked its users: “what is the worst thing someone has said to you during sex?” The answers were