
Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

Self-Care Isn't Enough For Caregivers — We Need Support Too

As a therapist, I specialize in families dealing with trauma. My work is hard, so like any good therapist, I engage in self-care. Yet, it's not enough.

I was actually keeping the promise I’d made to myself and sticking to all the self-help advice I’d read.

 I Finally Took Self-Help Advice And It Actually Worked!

I was actually keeping the promise I’d made to myself and sticking to all the self-help advice I’d read. THAT WAS A FIRST!

From now on, as hard as it may sound, I’m giving less power to Instagram.

Love, Alexi: I Stopped Letting Instagram Interfere In My Relationship

From now on, as hard as it may sound, I’m giving less power to Instagram. I realized I was wrapping all my self-worth in attention from another person.

When the sun, moon, and earth are aligned, we can’t help but be forced to align ourselves as well.

Exorcising The Ego: How To Get The Most Out Of The Solar Eclipse

When the sun, moon, and earth are aligned, we can’t help but be forced to align ourselves as well. Secrets stop being secrets, epiphanies are had, and lives are turned upside down.

Photo by Laura Marques on Unsplash

Love, Alexi: The Breakup List

Recently it seems like everyone I know is going through a gut-wrenching, soul-crushing, devastating breakup. Here's my breakup list to help us all!

Photo courtesy of Alexi Wasser

Love, Alexi: I Did It. I Got On Tinder 

I got on Tinder! I was now, officially on and it was like I had been sucked into a vortex and I couldn't get out. Wow. This place is a madhouse.

Photo Alexi Wasser by Katie McCurdy

Love, Alexi: How I Prepared To Use Tinder With Every Self-Help Trick Out There

I took out my phone, and with all my newfound self-worth and intentions inside me… I did it! I downloaded the app and prepared to use Tinder.

Photo Credit: Zoey Grossman

Love, Alexi: On Self-Help & Dating

I thought, if this is her new self-help medicine, it was working. I was lifting the veil of my life and who I was at my core.
