
Get Your Free (And Festive!) November Wallpaper

Happy November! Halloween has come and gone, and while some people jump right into Christmas, we here at Ravishly have a deep love for any holiday involving large quantities of food

What exactly is it that gives a date so much power?  Image: Adina Voicu/Pixabay.

Commemorating The Anniversary Of My Trauma Helped Me Heal From It

March is always an awful month for me. In Cape Town — my home town — March marks the beginning of autumn. Summer’s exhilarating heat comes to a sobering end. Sweltering afternoons and nights spent around the fire ominously disappear, soon to be replaced by gusts of winds and air so cold it literally hurts your face.

Part of the depression of summer SAD is due to FOMO (“fear of missing out”). Image: Image: Tú Anh/Pixabay.

I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder — In The Summer

Seasonal Affective Disorder, a common mood disorder that was first described by Dr. Norman Rosenthal in 1984, is mostly discussed in terms of how it affects people in winter.
When I found out about summer SAD a few years ago through some online sleuthing, I felt relieved. I finally knew what was going on with me.
