Why do we need International #DayOfTheGirl? Because every five minutes a girl dies as a result of violence. That's why. Nothing more needs to be said.
Read...Chances are, if the average American woman were stopped on the street and asked, “Do you have equal rights in America under the law?” she would reply, “Yes.” But does she?
Read...Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about finding that special someone. You know, the guy who is brave enough to say those three little words: I'm a feminist.
Read...The DMV is the scourge of many a hapless taxpayer's patience, and often held up as the epitome of government pratfalls.
Read...In social justice circles, the word "Republican" is more-than-sometimes attached to a rather sullied image shall we say.
Read...Guess what just happened? (Alas, you saw the title. You know what's coming.)