
Watch: Women are Shrieky and Weak if they Disagree with Hobby Lobby Ruling (Duh)

Oh, Fox News. We can always count on you to say the most vile things possible.


The Secret to Non-Stop Sex: Why Monogamy and Marriage Don't Have to Destroy Lust

We like to think that love + lust go hand in hand, strolling off into the sunset. Sadly, science says lust fades, but there's a way to counter it!


Sleep Naked, Have a Happy Marriage?

A new study suggests that the key to marital joy is sleeping nude. Seriously?


Sperm Shortage in the UK is No Laughing Matter

Why we should be worried about a decline in sperm donors across the pond.


Tinder and Grindr Use Skyrocket in Brazil: Is the World Cup the Place to Hook up? 

World cup condoms? Rise in Tindr use? What I wouldn't give to be in Brazil right now.


Watch and Learn: Epic PSA Likens Guns to Dildos

A new PSA from third party gun safety organization, Evolve, leverages sex and humor into a genius 'what-the-hell-are-we-all-thinking' lesson.


Gettin' Jizzy with It: A Closer Look at Female Ejaculation

Yes, it's real. And there's a lot more to it than you probably ever knew.


10 Ways Masturbation is Good for You

Side effects include . . . awesomeness.
