
Bullet journaling all about what works for you. It shouldn’t feel burdensome.

Bullet Journaling For Basic People With Lots Of Thoughts

The trick to successful bullet journaling, in my mind, is to avoid getting caught up in the fanciness of it! Of course, you can make your bullet journal as complex or minimalist as you want, but I’d recommend starting slow. Allow your bullet journaling practice to morph to your needs.

“I Believe I Can Fly” — it’s not only a song, but a confidence-boosting truth for me when I take to the skies. Image: author.

7 Ways I've Become More Confident With Age (Playing With My Food Helped!)

This summer, I’ll be turning 42. Rather than wallowing in misery over a newly-formed wrinkle or questioning life decisions, I’m finding that my 40s have been nothing more than a confidence-filled journey.


My Reunion With Prague 16 Years After First Visiting—And What It Taught Me About Myself   

As Prague and I get reacquainted with each other, I notice with interest how the lens of a 26 year-old varies from that of a 41 year-old.
