It was a pleasure to chat with Catherine Kyle about Shelter in Place, her book of poems about nature, technology, apathy, and empathy. Set against the backdrop of a dystopian city, the poems examine fear, hope, and resistance as a form of magic.

Your title immediately struck me. That phrase—“shelter in place”— creates an immediate reaction in my body. Did you have that title in mind from the outset?
Read...Basically, the lady got a lot of stuff done, and we are forever indebted to her for it.
Read...If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. - Maya Angelou
Read...I was 21 –– a Catholic, heterosexual college student, living at home in Brooklyn and still trying to discover who I was. At the crossroads of her life, Lorde knew exactly who she was. She was waging a war against cancer and sharing an old house in Staten Island with her kids and partner. But maybe we weren’t so different after all.
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