physical self-care

Shame and ignorance must not prevent people from finding help with stomach pain and SIBO.

Listen To Your Gut: My Journey With SIBO, Digestive Healing, And Self-Care

Shame and ignorance must not prevent people from finding help with stomach pain and SIBO. So, pass the coconut oil and tea, my gut needs healing.

Real self-care is respecting yourself instead of, quite literally, spoiling yourself.

Why Real Self-Care Is Not Just Buying Bubbly Scented Bath Oils

Self-care is a phrase so enthusiastically tossed about as of late that in many ways it has lost all meaning. In the same way “wellness” has gone, the concept now seems vague and fuzzy, somehow ineffable.

You matter and your happiness matters. Image: Thinkstock.

Why You Shouldn't Neglect Physical Self-Care

Take everything personally and think the worst of any situation? Overwhelmed with your job or at school? Say self-deprecating things about yourself, or think the same of other people? If you can relate to any of this, it’s a sure sign you need to take better care of yourself, because happiness and healing truly comes from within.
