personal growth

We believed that we were always just one prayer away from seeing the fire. The fire was everything we hoped and prayed for and prophesized; we believed it could start with us.

Holy Fire: How My Pentecostal Faith Burnt My Life To The Ground

I was terrified of falling away from the faith I once believed in so strongly. We had to believe in the miracles because our day-to-day lives were so empty.

New places give us opportunities to grow.

#MondaysWithMatt: Be Your Best Self, Everywhere You Go

You are not where you're from, and you are not your environment.

You shouldn’t pursue self-love and better self-esteem because you want to feel worthy of being loved someday — you should pursue self-love because you deserve to love yourself. Image: Drew Coffman/Unsplash.

'Nobody Can Love You Until You Love Yourself' Is Bullsh*t

There is a danger in the rise of affirmations and other empowering online content. Some types of affirmations aim to inspire a sense of independence, but in reality only invalidate the struggles of the person who reads them.
