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Why the Gender Gap in Comedy Isn't That Funny: A Special Ravishly Series

It's no secret that women are under-represented in the world of comedy. What gives?


Dear Steven Spielberg: Your Relationship with Misogynistic, Racist Michael Bay Needs to End Now

Why is Spielberg supporting a man with such flagrantly offensive views on women and minorities?


The Etymology of Endearment: Why We Call Our Romantic Partners "Baby"

"Baby" is a term of endearment that perfectly captures love . . . in its best and worst manifestations.


Deal Breakers: Are We Making Too Big a Deal Over Them?

There's a fine line between having high standards and having impossible ones.

Image: Wikimedia

North Koreans Receive Pies from the Skies

South Koreans recently sent dessert across the border in giant balloons—to sweeten the day for North Koreans, and make a political statement.


Lessons on Infidelity From Hollywood Cheating Scandals

Does what we read about affairs in the tabloids apply to "real world" cheating, too?


Meeting Sylvia Plath in a Fever Dream—Fiction from Quail Bell Magazine

This piece of fiction first appeared in Quail Bell Anthology (Issue 5).


Engineering is Ace (Which is a Four Letter Word ±25%)

It's time to to celebrate engineering!
