It is not a woman’s job to carry the weight of the male ego.

Are Men Seriously Still That Threatened By Smart Women? (Yes?)

Men will say they want a smart woman, of course, but the moment they are faced with one; the moment a woman challenges him, or god forbid, proves him wrong, she becomes “hard to deal with,” “too intense” or “crazy.”

Credit: Thinkstock

The Latest Proof That Men's Rights Activists Don't Actually Care About Men's Rights

A recent controversy at the Calgary Expo suggests MRAs care more about making opponents look bad than they do about discrimination.

Credit: Thinkstock

Sports Culture's Male-on-Male Violence Is A Feminist Issue

Unlike men's rights activists, feminists like me love and care for the safety of men.


Why It's Time For Male Allies To Fight Men's Rights Activists

As a man who has benefited from feminism, I call out MRA bullshit.


Why It's Time For Male Allies To Fight Men's Rights Activists

As a man who has benefited from feminism, I call out MRA bullshit.


Why We Don't Support The New "Rape by Fraud" Bill

Making "fraud" synonymous with "rape" could harm people who deserve a mere dose of public humiliation.


The Problem with "Human Maxi Pad" Pad Gardner

While Gardner is vocal about women's rights and is decently informed about reproductive science, he's a potentially damaging advocate.
